64 in Roman numerals is LXIV
64 - LXIV
The number 64 in roman numerals is written as LXIV.
In today's notation of Roman numerals it represents 64
64 in Roman numerals is LXIV
64 - LXIV
64 = LXIV in Roman numerals.
The Roman numerals for 64 are ILXV (65-1) or LXIIII (64) and they are not LXIV. So your question is: What is the cube root of LXIIII in Arabic numerals? The answer is 4 which is IIII or IV in Roman numerals.
In today's terms: LXIV
The number 64 in roman numerals is written as LXIV.
In today's notation of Roman numerals it represents 64
LXIV is 64 in roman numerals. Check the following website for a guide on roman numerals if you ever need to look them up again, i found it quite usefull myself :) http://literacy.kent.edu/Minigrants/Cinci/romanchart.htm
The Roman numerals CIC represent 199.
In today's way it is: (IX)LXIV Numerals in brackets indicate multiplication by a thousand. So: (IX) = 9*1000 = 9000 And: LXIV = 64