The conventional conversion of 69 into Roman numerals is LXIX
LXIX is the number 69 in roman numerals. L is 50, X is 10 and IX is 9, adding them would lead to 69.
64Improved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals LXIX represents 69
It is VI I LXIX.
LXIX is the number 69 in roman numerals. L is 50, X is 10 and IX is 9, adding them would lead to 69.
64Improved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals LXIX represents 69
It is VI I LXIX.
The Roman numeral "lxix" is equal to 69 in Arabic numerals.
69 The conventional conversion of 69 into Roman numerals is LXIX In today's terms of notating Roman numerals they represent 69.
50 + 10 +(10-1) = 69
64 = 50 + 10 + 4
42 = XLII 69 = LXIX 666 = DCLXVI Just google it.
The Roman numerals "XXV" stand for the number 25.
Do you mean what do the Roman numerals XXVII stand for? If so then they stand for the number 27.