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The multiplicative property is the fact that any number multiplied by one will stay the same. i.e.


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Q: What does Multiplicative Identity Property look like?
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What does identity property in math look like?

The identity property, of a set S and a binary operation # states that there exists, in S an element i such that for any element x is S,x # i = i # x = xIf S is the set of Integers, Rationals, Reals and the operator is addition, then the additive identity is the number 0. If the operation is multiplication, the multiplicative identity is 1.

What does a identity property problem look like?

zero added to any addend the sum will equal the same addend. :P * * * * * That is good - but only for addition. there is also the multiplicative identity (1) and other identities for other operators. Generally, the identity property for a set with a binary operator ~ defined on it is the existence of a unique element of the set, denoted by i, such that for every member of the set, x, x ~ i = x = i ~ x It is easy to see that the identity for addition is 0: x + 0 = x = 0 + x for all x or that the identity for multiplication of numbers is 1: x * 1 = x = 1 * x But there are other identities in higher mathematics - for example the identity matrix.

What does the property look like?

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What is the meaning of inverse elements?

an inverse element that can 'undo' the effect of combination with another element. For example if we look at the number 3, -3 is its additive inverse since 3+(-3)=0 and zero is the additive identity element. Similarly 1/3 is the multiplicative inverse since 1/3 x 3=1 and 1 is the multiplicative identity.

What dose identity property look like?

A set, S, with a binary operation, ~, defined on it has an identity (with respect to the operation) if there is an element, i, in S such that for all x in S,x ~ i = x = i ~ x. For example, when ~ is addition, i is denoted by 0, and when ~ is multiplication, i is denoted by 1.

What does zero property look like?

zero property looks like 0*9=0

What does the associative property look like?

associative property would look like this a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c just the switch the parenthises

What does it associative property look like with numbers?

Associative property would look like the following: 5 + (3 + 2) = (5 + 3) + 2 = 10

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Distributive property is a(b+c)=ab+ac

How do you get any girl to fall in love with you and use your face as her footstool?

Look for someone multiplicative.

What does a Venezuelan passport number look like?

The same number as the Venezuelan Identity Card (or Cedula).

What is communative property look like?

No idea what the communative property is. The commutative property for addition is that a + b = b + a. Similarly, for multiplication, a*b = b*a