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Q: What does Property in the open mean?
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What does it mean when something says property in?

It means that the property is currently for sale and open for visitation. It may also mean that a person is inside a property or house or even an office building.

Can you be arrested for DUI in a Condos Private Parking lot in CA?

Yes, if the property is open to public access, or driving was observed on open acess property or a highway.

Who manages Santa Cruz mission today?

The state of California has it as historical property open for services and visitors.

What if you are on private property and you are pulling out of your parking spot and you don't realize the person next to you has there door open and some how you hit it?

If there door was already open then you are liable for the damage. It does not matter if it is on private property.

What does it mean to have an interest in property?

That means you own a right in the property or have an ownership of the property in part or in whole.

What does the addition property of zero mean?

It does not mean anything.

What happen when you place a property into an individuals estate after he died?

While the estate is still open, the property will become part of the estate and will be distributed under the provisions of the will or as intestate property.

How is property and mass the same thing?

Mass is a property of matter but mass is not the only property of matter. Mass and property do not mean the same thing any more than Ford and car mean the same thing.

What does this sentence mean fuses are the police officers of electric current?

Fuses protect an electrical circuit. When current in an electrical circuit becomes dangerously high the fuse will open protecting people and property. Police men/women protect people and property from the dregs of society.

What does a proptiger of property mean?

prop denotes property tiger is symbol of power.

Can you legally open a security gate on private property to repossess a car?

It is against state law to open a locked gate.

Can a person place alien on a home for child support after the property has been purchased?

If you mean, after the obligor has purchased the property, yes. If you mean, after the obligor has sold the property and no longer holds title, no.