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It is simply a ratio between two variables. There is no information on what measures the letters represent, nor whether the ratio is a constant or variable (eg between Celsius and Fahrenheit).

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Q: What does The ratio between m and v mean?
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The density is the ratio between the mass and volume: d=M/V.

What is the ratio of mass and volume?

The ratio of mass to volume is known as density. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. It is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance.

What does M before v mean in roman numerals?

M means 1000 V means 5

What does mass density and volume mean?

An object has a mass, say M It also has a volume, say V A useful relation between the above two is the ratio M/V which is defined as the density of the object. It is the mass of an object whose volume is unity. In solids and liquids, the density remains constant over temperature ranges and pressure ranges. But in gases the density is affected by temperature and pressure.

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What does d in v mean?

i think you mean d m v which means department of motor vehichles

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Density = mass/volume D=m/v You can solve for any variable to get: m=Dv or v=m/D

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Unfortunately morality has no equation :-( It would be much simpler if morality would be clearly defined and all men would be in agreement about it. If there is a typing error it is possible that you would like to say molarity (m). It is the measure of the concentration of a solute in a solution and it is the ratio between the number of moles of the solute M (number of molecules divided the Avogadro number that is about 6.022 1023) and the solution volume V. Thus m=M/V

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D= m/v

In Roman Numerals what does VMMI mean?

V=5 M=1,000 I=1 Because the 'V' is before the M, you'd subtract M from V. 1,000 - 5 =995 Because you have two 'M's: 995 + 1,000 = 1,995 And the 'I' 1,995 + 1 = 1,996. 1,996 is the answer.

If the ratio between the radii of two spheres is 23 then what is the ratio of their volumes?

Volume of a sphere of radius r: V = 4pi/3 x r3 If the ratio of the radii of two spheres is 23,then the ratio of their volumes will be 233 = 1,2167