In this case WC stands for Wind Chill.
It is a subjective measure and tries to represent how much colder it feels on a windy day and the value depends on the actual still-air temperature and the speed of the wind where you are.
So, on a windy day if you stand, say, outside a barn it will feel colder than if you were standing inside the barn where the air temperature would be about the same but it would be almost still.
Calculation of wind chill is a bit complicated but as you can see it can vary by just where you are so is just an indication of how cold it's likely to feel.
6°C (Wind Chill) might represent an expected air temperature of 12°C with a fairly strong wind that will feel like it's just 6°C.
Beano UK
-6 degrees Fahrenheit = -21.1 degrees Celsius.
6 degrees Fahrenheit = -14.4444444 degrees Celsius
Subtract the numbers: 5°C - 11°C = (5-11)°C = -6°C
Assuming that degrese is you fail at spelling degreese and that celceus is a fail for Celsius, 6 degrees less than 2 degrees Celsius is four degrees Celsius below zero.
Minus 14 degrees Celsius(-14)6 - 20 = -14 degrees Celsius
-6 degrees Celsius is the same as 21.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
(-6) degrees Fahrenheit = -21.1 degrees Celsius.
-5 degrees Celsius is 6 degrees colder than 1 degree Celsius.
-6 degrees Fahrenheit = -21.1 degrees Celsius.
6 degrees Fahrenheit = -14.4444444 degrees Celsius
6 degrees Celsius is a measurement of temperature. It is relatively cool and is equivalent to 42.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
Negative 6 degrees Celsius is equal to 21.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
-2 degrees Celsius is warmer than -6 degrees Celsius.
6 kelvin = -267.15 degree Celsius [K] − 273.15 = degrees Celsius
264.15 degrees Kelvin is 15 degrees Celsius less than 6 degrees Celsius.
The difference between -6 degrees Celsius and 12 degrees Celsius is 18 degrees. This is calculated by subtracting the lower temperature (-6) from the higher temperature (12).
There are 11 degrees Celsius between -5 and 6 Celsius (6 - (-5) = 11).