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In Roman numerals, X means 10 and L means 50, so XL is 50-10: 40.

Here's a lesson: I means 1. V means 5. X means 10. L means 50. I think C means 100. Anyway, if I say IV, that would mean 5 - 1, because 1 (which has less of a value than 5) is on the left. VI would be 5 + 1, because the number with a lesser value (1) is on the right.

Take, for example, Super Bowl XLIII. Add III to L (3 + 50). Now subtract X (10). You'd get 43. This is Super Bowl 43.

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8y ago

X= 10

L= 50

As the smaller number comes first you subtract it form the larger number, so it means ten less than fifty = 40

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