

What does a 4 pointed star mean?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What does a 4 pointed star mean?
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How do you make a four pointed star?

if you mean 4 pointed star like a ninja star, there's a pretty good video showing you how here:

What is the width of opposite points on a 4-pointed star?

That depends on the size of the star.

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A seven-pointed star can have various meanings depending on cultural or religious context. In some belief systems, it may symbolize completeness, spirituality, or protection. It is also commonly associated with mysticism and magic.

What shape has 4 acute angles and 4 reflex angles?

A 4 pointed star.

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I wonder if you mean pentacle, which is a 5-pointed star.

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A twelve pointed star is a spider within the web of a dream catcher. it is also the universal symbol of real time by hours of denomination

What does point star mean?

When you are talking about law enforcement badges, there are 5 pointed, 6 pointed, 7 pointed, 8 pointed, and 9 pointed stars. Wikipedia defines it as "A five-pointed star (☆) is a very common ideogram throughout the world. If the colinear edges are joined together a pentagram is produced, which is the simplest of the unicursal star polygons, and a symbol of mystical and magical significance."

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A six pointed star is a hexagram, used in witchcraft as a talisman and for conjuring up spirits. Many different religions attribute other meanings to it.

What figure has 4 acute and 4 obtuse angles?

A four pointed star.

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Does a star have more than 1 line of symmetry explain?

5 pointed star? 6 pointed star(star of David)? A star in the sky? You need to provide more information. A 5 pointed star can have 5 lines of symmetry.

What is the name of a 5 pointed star?

is there any??the only 5 pointed star i know is the shape