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A chi-square test tells one how likely it is that a set of numbers one has could have been generated by random assignment of numbers. It is used to help build arguments that a given set of numbers (usually counts along two dimensions) does or does not arise from real differences in the world.

For example, one might wish to test if men of a given age and in a given socioeconomic milieu are more likely than women of the same age and socioeconomic milieu to buy a portable music player. You could ask all members of the group if they had bought portable music players. Your results might look like this (N.B.: invented data):

Bought a player Did not buy a player

Men 15342 25774

Women 17994 23164

A chi-square test could tell you how likely it is that being a woman makes one more likely to buy a portable music player. (Note further that the categories used in chi-square tests should be (a) "natural" categories and (b) should be exhaustive.

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Q: What does a Chi squared test tell you?
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What is chi-squared test?

A chi-squared test is essentially a test based on the chi-squared parameter. It measures how well a set of observations agrees with that predicted by some hypothesised distribution.

Is Chi-square a test of association?

The Chi-squared statistic can be used to test for association.

What does it mean when tests are chi-square based?

A chi-squared test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is true.

How do you find degrees of freedom for a chi-squared test?

The degrees of freedom for a chi-squarded test is k-1, where k equals the number of categories for the test.

How do you find degrees of freedom for a chi squared test?


When do you use a chi-squared test?

When your results are nominal When it is an independent group design When the hypothesis predicts a difference.

Why is a chi-squared test for qualitative data always right-tailed?

A chi square is square of standard normal variate, so all values are positive

When is the chi-test used?

There are many chi-squared tests. You may mean the chi-square goodness-of-fit test or chi-square test for independence. Here is what they are used for.A test of goodness of fit establishes if an observed frequency differs from a theoretical distribution.A test of independence looks at whether paired observations on two variables, expressed in a contingency table, are independent of each.

Chi square is used in nonparametric hypothesis test?

Yes, Chis squared test are among the most common nonparametric statistics tests.

What is the F ratio test and how is it different from Chi square square test?

A F-ratio test compares 2 variances and tell if they are significantly different. A Chi-square test compares count data.

What is the chi square test used for?

The chi-squared test is used to compare the observed results with the expected results. If expected and observed values are equal then chi-squared will be equal to zero. If chi-squared is equal to zero or very small, then the expected and observed values are close. Calculating the chi-squared value allows one to determine if there is a statistical significance between the observed and expected values. The formula for chi-squared is: X^2 = sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected) Using the degrees of freedom, use a table to determine the critical value. If X^2 > critical value, then there is a statistically significant difference between the observed and expected values. If X^2 < critical value, there there is no statistically significant difference between the observed and expected values.

What is the underlying principle of a chi square test?

The underlying principle is that the square of an independent Normal variable has a chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom (df). A second principle is that the sum of k independent chi-squares variables is a chi-squared variable with k df.