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In a nutshell, it measures a certain angle of the wheel of a car. There is the caster and camber of a tire. Camber is how a tire sits-if it lines up verticially, or has a tilt to it which could mean a serious problem. Caster is if the tire's suspension is off, the way it is supposed to hang vs a tilt that might face a slightly off angle. In the case of a caster being off, it is usually only within a few degrees, which isn't so terrible, but it isn't good. Camber tilt is usually the result of a loss of lugnuts and indicating that the tire is about to come off, or that there is some seriosu damage to the suspension. In either case for both Caster and Camber, problem with suspension can be serious, but the tools for actually checking your caster/camber can be done with a series of gauges, such as that the question is about. It can save you quite a bit to do it yourself, detect a problem before it gets out of hand or otherwise. on average, taking your car in to have these tests done can run from $70 to $100.

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1y ago

A caster gauge is a tool used to measure the angle of a vehicle's steering axis in relation to vertical when viewed from the side. It is commonly used to determine and adjust the caster angle of the vehicle's front wheels, which affects steering stability and handling.

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Where can I find online directions on how to set up a camber caster gauge?

Setting up a camber caster gauge is not a very difficult task, and there are several places that can give you step-by-step directions. The following video gives you instructions on how to install a camber caster gauge on your car:

What does the measurement on my caster camber gauge mean?

The measurement on your caster camber gauge indicates the angle of the wheel in relation to the vertical axis. Caster angle affects steering stability and cornering response, while camber angle affects tire wear and traction. It is important to reference your vehicle's specifications for optimal settings.

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What does a height gauge measure?

The current altitude of where you are.

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