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It represents a number.

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Q: What does a decimal represent in a math problem?
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What is the definition for decimal form?

a form of decimal in a math problem

Can an evaluated math problem have a decimal in the answer?

Yes, it can.

What is a bar notation used to represent in math?

It represents a repeating decimal

What does period mean in math class?

A period could represent a decimal point.

1 3 4 as a decimal?

The numbers 134 as a decimal would be 1.34. This is a math problem.

How do you use a terminating decimal in real life?

When solving a math problem

What is negative 6 and 9sixteenths as a decimal. -6 9 16ths as a decimal?

The number -69 as a decimal would be -6.9. This is a math problem.

What math problem has an answer to 1.9?

What is: 19/10 or 1 and 9/10 as a decimal It is: 1.9

How do you write 73 over 1000 as a decimal?

73/1000 as a decimal is 73 ÷ 1000 = 0.073The math problem, 73 over 1000 as a decimal is 0.073.

What is the definition of the decimal a point?

Well, Decimal Point is like a another way of expressing a number like fractions and percents! Decimal point is a part of math and it looks something like this: 9.6 The dot represent for the decimal point.

How do i identify the 1000th place of a math problem?

The thousandths place is the third digit to the right of the decimal point.

How are periods in math different?

Periods in Math represent multiplication signs. For example: x.6y = x times 6y. Periods in Math also mean decimal points. For example: 4.5 = four point five