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Q: What does a doubled line words mean?
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In the equatorial plane of the cell.

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A line segment is a line that has given boundries, while a line goes on forever.

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What does 'peliculas online' mean in Spanish?

Peliculas means "movies." "On" and "line" are not words in Spanish. So it may just mean "Movies on line."

What can you notice about the spelling of the words llama and aardvark?

The first letters are doubled

What are double lettered words?

they are words that have two sounds to them

What does fold mean?

It means "twice as much", i.e "doubled".

What consonants can be doubled?

Most consonants can be doubled, as when forming past tenses (revved, occurred).However, except for compound words, the consonants H, J, Q, W, and Y. are not doubled.(withhold is an example of a compound double H)

What does two-fold mean?

It means "twice as much", i.e "doubled".

The amplitude of a pendulum is doubled what does this mean?

The pendulum swings twice as far.

Doubled letter words that end in ing?

baggingbraggingbuddingbiddingbeddingbarringbuggingcuttingcappingclappingcroppingcloggingdimmingdressingdraggingdruggingdroppingemittingfittinggrinninghittinginningjuttingjottingjoggingkiddinglettinglaggingluggingloggingmuggingmattingmessingnettingnappingnippingputtingpaddingplottingpressingpassingpotting (as in potting soil)quittingrottingrunningsittingswattingspinningswimmingtuggingtrottingtrimmingtippingtaggingvettingwettingwaggingweddingzippingzapping

What would happen to the mean of a data set if you doubled every number in it?

The Value of the Mean will Double as well.