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Q: What does a exclamation symbol looks like?
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What does a yellow light that looks like a light bulb with an exclamation in the middle means on a vw touareg?

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the symbol that looks like a wagon is the towing feature is turned on symbol

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I think you are talking about the Low Tire Pressure indicator light

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An exclamation mark after a number is the symbol for the factorial function.

What is the symbol of cents?

The "cents" symbol looks like this: ¢

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The symbol for a paragraph looks like this: ¶ .

What is the warning light with the exclamation symbol?

Normally this is a low tire pressure indicator. The exclamation point is shown inside of what looks like a tire casing with tread on the road. It denotes a tire on the vehicle is 6 or 7 lbs. psi different than the vehicles' normal recommended pressure.

Why is the yellow light that looks like an exclamation point blinking?

It means you have a pop-up!

What does the exclamation light in your 2004 Ford Freestar mean?

This will depend on the symbol that surrounds the exclamation. There is a small one with the brake light warning, and one that may be in the tire pressure warning, with the third one surrounded by what looks like a gear. That one is a transaxle warning and you should take your vehicle in for servicing.