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12 inches

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Q: What does a foot mean in measurements?
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Related questions

What are two measurements?

gram and foot

Where did the foot in measurements come from?

It is from a British origin

How do you figure measurements - inches to a foot and foot to a yard?

1 inch = 0,0833333 foot1 foot = 0,333333 yard

How was a human foot used in measurements?

george washington

What is the standard unit of length for US measurements?

it is the foot

How many square are there in a square foot?

The units are incompatible. Cubic measurements are for volume, square measurements are for area.

True or false the meter and gram are examples of measurements in SI?

The meter and gram are measurements in the SI, or the metric systems. These measurements are comparable to a foot and an ounce.

How many cubic inches are there in a square foot?

The units are incompatible. Cubic measurements are for volume, square measurements are for area.

Give the brief history of measurement?

history of measurements were created by the egyptians. the foot was based on the kings foot.

What does one foot here and a couple of toes there mean?

This is my guess: It is a person's humorous way of expressing that some measurements have been estimated, and not made accurately or with precision.

What are Converting Measurements?

Converting measurements is the process of changing a quantity from one unit of measurement to another, such as converting from inches to centimeters or from pounds to kilograms. This is done using conversion factors to ensure that the numerical value stays the same but is expressed in a different unit. Converting measurements is important for consistent and accurate communication of quantities across different systems of measurement.

What does concert these measurements mean?

Convert these measurements means to take the 2 given measurements and change them to the given one that was chosen. Example- convert 3 inches to yards. 1. / (divide) 2. (how many inches are in a foot) 3 3. 3/3= 1yd. ~ you have to have conversions memorized to be able to do this. ~ Hope this helps! (;