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Q: What does a graph of data make eaiser to recognize and understand than a table of data?
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What does a graph of data makes easier to recognize and understand than a table of data?

you can visualize the graph better than the table. ---------------------------------------------------- A data can make A PATTERN much easier to recognize and understand.

How is a graph similar to a data table?

A graph is similar to a data table in that they both present the data. A difference is that the graph is more of a visual representation. Often, trends in the data are easy to recognize in the visual representation of the graph.

How can a table be more informative than the graph with the same data?

A graph can be more useful for making presentations because it is more visual, and it can be easier to recognize a pattern in a graph for the same reason. However, a graph doesn't have any more data than a table with the same data.

What is a table graph?

A table is a type of graph, that it's used for help the viewer understand better the information. It is like a graphic source.Hope it is okay!Laaura♥gleelover!.-VoleyFan..neverchange//whybenormal?!

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table of the same data?

A graph can visually display trends and patterns in the data that may not be as easily discernible from a table. It allows for quick understanding of relationships and comparisons, making it easier to interpret the information and draw conclusions. Graphs can also provide a more intuitive representation of data for those who are visual learners.

How are elements usually displayed in a line graph circle graph or a bar graph or a table graph?

Table Graph

You can use a table or graph to do what to your findings?

You can use a table or a graph to organize you findings.

Is data a table or graph?

Data is neither a table nor a graph, however, data may be presented in a table or depicted by a graph.

What does a table graph show?

a table graph doesn't exist a frequency table show how often something happens

You can use a table or graph to what your findings?

You can definitely use a table or graph to what your findings. You can use a bar graph for this purpose for example.

How can you find a trend on a table or graph?

which ever bar or table that is the most on a table or bar graph... : ) EX: 10 Is the most on the table , 20 is the highest thing on the bar graph

What does a graph of data make easier to recognize and undertsand than a table of data?

If you are not a visual person, it makes nothing easier. Different people take in information differently.