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Q: What does a green triangle with eye in center mean?
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What's with the eye in the triangle?

The eye in the triangle is the Eye of Providence; it symbolizes God's all seeing eye.

What does the eye color hazel mean?

Brown and green.

What does it mean if one eye is green and one eye is blue?

It's known as heterochromia.

Can a brown eye and a green eye produce a green eye child?

---- yes however their is a higher chance of the child being red-i mean brown eyed 8=====D

What does a triangle with an eye in the middle mean?

It represents the inner you or the self in the being with the One called God. It is when one reaches completeness with God, Allah, Brahman,Craftsmen, the Artcheitect. Supreme power.

What does the eye within a triangle radiating light mean in french revolution?

The all eye stands for knowledge. the rays of the sun will drive away the cloud of ignorance.

What does the eye on David Blaine's hand mean?

check google. i heard the eye symbol protects you from the evil eye, negative energy. i think the eye symbol represents the eye of horus. also the illuminati use the eye symbol, but there eye symbol is in a triangle and it is called the all seeing eye.

Where would you see green cats eye on motorways?

Green cat's eyes mean you are joining or leaving slip roads at junctions

How do you have hazel colored eye?

A green eye with brown coloring or a brown eye with green coloring.

Eye Center?

form_title=Find an Eye Center form_header=Whether it's time for new glasses or contacts or it's your first visit, an eye center can be found in your area. What services do you need from an eye center?=_ Is you need for emergency or regular care?= () Emergency () Regular When was the last time you used an eye center?=_

Can you name the best eye clinic center in Mauritius?

Top eye clinics in Mauritius are I2IOpticals, Eye Care Center.

Raphael's The Madonna of the Meadows is composed using the implied shape of a?

triangle. The figures of the Madonna, Christ, and John the Baptist form a triangular composition, drawing the viewer's eye towards the center of the painting. This triangular structure creates stability and balance in the artwork.