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0.5 g

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Q: What does a half gram look like in decimal?
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What does 1 gram look like?

A gram is a measure of mass - it does not "look" like anything.

What does ninety nine and one half of of 100 percent as decimal look like?

99.5 percent is the same as 0.995

What is the difference between gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods?

Gram-positive cocci are bacteria with a spherical shape that retain a purple stain in the Gram staining method, indicating a thick peptidoglycan cell wall. Gram-negative rods are bacteria with a rod shape that appear pink after Gram staining due to their thinner peptidoglycan cell wall and an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides. Additionally, gram-negative rods generally have higher resistance to antibiotics compared to gram-positive cocci.

What does a gram of air look like?

Gram is a solid measurement. Air is not solid.

How does a decimal look like?


What does one onethousandth of a gram look like?

One one-thousandth of a gram looks like mg, or milligram.

What does a micro gram of salt look like?

A microgram of salt is very small and practically invisible to the naked eye. It is equivalent to one millionth of a gram and would be a tiny speck on a surface.

What does fraction not look like?

a Decimal.

How do mudskippers look like?

they look like they are half frog, half tadpole. Google them.

What does 78.5 look like as a decimal?

It is already a decimal in the form of 78.5

What does a decimal look like?

A decimal looks like this 0.16 however it can be any number at the end.