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Q: What does a high precent error mean for accuracy and precision?
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Why is it good to have a high sample size?

It increases the accuracy of the estimation and reduces the associated error range.

Differentiate accurate from precise in measurement?

Accuracy is when the result is close or equal to the actual value or expected result. Precision is when multiple results are within the same or very close value. With multiple results, you can have accuracy and precision if the results are on target, and all within a very close range. However, if the results have quite a bit of deviation among them, but the average result is on target, then you have accuracy, but low precision. If multiple results are way off target, but are all within a close range of each other, then you have low accuracy and high precision. If the multiple results are all over the place, and the average result is off target, then you have low accuracy and low precision. For example, it helps to imagine a dart board with a few darts. If all the darts are together after being thrown, that is precision. When the thrown dart is close to the bullseye, that is accuracy. IF the darts are all close together and all on the bullseye - that is accurate and precise...if they are all close together, but way off the bullseye, then that is precise but NOT accurate, and so on...

What amount of sampling error is acceptable in a national sample of 1500 to 3000 respondents?

There can be no set value. An acceptable level of sampling error for a company making high precision machine parts is likely to be very different from the sampling error for household incomes, for example.

What is a precise measurment?

A precise measurement is an exact measurement.How long,how tall how wide. EXAMPLE-12X5X24Precision refers how close measurements of the same thing are to each other. A precise measurement is one that is similar or the same as previous measurements. A precise measurement does not need to be accurate.precise measurements may not be accurate but will agree with each other. Characteristic of precision is low standard deviation. It is not in all cases proof of accuracy though

What is the difference between low percent error and high percent error?

The difference between low percent error and high percent error is one is low and the other is high

Related questions

Different between precision and non precision instrument?

Precision instruments provide accurate measurements with low margins of error, while non-precision instruments offer less accurate results with higher margins of error. Precision instruments are designed for tasks that require high accuracy, such as scientific research and engineering, while non-precision instruments are suitable for rough estimations or general use where high accuracy is not critical.

Is accuracy better high or low?

Accuracy is better when it is high. High accuracy means that the measurement or result is closer to the true value or target, indicating precision and reliability. Low accuracy can result in errors and incorrect conclusions.

How do you describe accuracy and precision?

Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value, while precision refers to how close repeated measurements are to each other. High accuracy means that a measurement is very close to the true value, while high precision indicates that repeated measurements are consistent and close to each other.

How are accuracy and precision alike?

"Precision" is high when you get the SAME answer every time. Accuracy is high, when you get the CORRECT answer. You can hit a target in the same place everytime which is very HIGH precision; however, if that place is not the "Bulls Eye", your accuracy is lousy.

Throwing three darts and hitting inside the bulls-eye each time is an example of?

high accuracy and high precision.

Throwing three darts and hitting inside the bull's-eye each time is an example of?

high accuracy and high precision.

What is precision and accurancy?

Precision refers to the consistency of measurements, with high precision meaning that repeated measurements yield similar results. Accuracy, on the other hand, refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value. In practical terms, precision pertains to random errors in measurements, while accuracy accounts for systematic errors.

What does precision mean in scientific term?

Accuracy is how close you are to your expected value and precision is how close together your experimental values are.

What is meant by precision of the measurement?

Precision refers to the degree of agreement among repeated measurements of the same quantity. A measurement is considered precise if repeated measurements under the same conditions yield similar results. High precision means that the measurements are close to each other, while low precision implies variability in the measurements.

What is a Precision and non precision measuring instrument?

A precision measuring instrument provides accurate and consistent measurements, typically to a high degree of precision (e.g. micrometers or calipers). Non-precision measuring instruments provide general measurements but with less accuracy and consistency, such as tape measures or rulers.

Why is it good to have a high sample size?

It increases the accuracy of the estimation and reduces the associated error range.

Why reading on voltmeter has high precision rather than accurate?

Voltmeters are designed to display readings with high precision, meaning they provide consistent and repeatable results. However, accuracy refers to how closely the measured value corresponds to the true value. Achieving high precision is typically easier than ensuring accuracy due to factors like calibration, environmental conditions, and component tolerances.