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That it is a positive line on the Cartesian plane

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Q: What does a line sloped upward tell you?
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Related questions

Is perpendicular vertical?

Not necessarily. A perpendicular to a sloped line will be sloped. It will be at right angles to the sloped line, though.

What is a diagonal l line?

Without any further context, it can only be described as a sloped or slanted line.Without any further context, it can only be described as a sloped or slanted line.Without any further context, it can only be described as a sloped or slanted line.Without any further context, it can only be described as a sloped or slanted line.

What type of force holds a book on a sloped desk?

The force of gravity acting on the book pulls it downward, while the normal force exerted by the desk in the upward direction prevents the book from sliding down the sloped surface.

What is distance -time graph for constant speed?

a sloped straight line

Slope of a line that slants upward?

If the line slants upward (going towards the right), then the slope is positive.

Why indifference curves are always negatively sloped?

its something to do with a non satiation assumption. ie if all the bundles on the indifference curve are "goods" (actively wanted products) then the indifference curve slopes downward from L to R. if there is a "good" and a "bad" on the curve then it will be positively sloped. (upward from L to R)

Are fronts sloped or vertical?

They are sloped

What does sloped shoulder acoustic mean?

It means the sound has plenty of midrange, looking at the mix graph the midrange got the most dbs whereas the bass and treble are reduced thus giving the sloped shoulder line.

A speed time graph forms a straight line which is an example of?

If it is a horizontal straight line, it means the object is moving at constant velocity. If it is a sloped line, it means the object is accelerating.

What is the shape of the marginal-revenue curve if the total-revenue curve is a positively sloped straight line?

it will be parallel to horizantal axis

Why is a wheelbarrow a Inclined plane?

A wheelbarrow is considered an inclined plane because its bed or platform is sloped upward toward the handles. When you load items onto the bed, you can easily move them up the sloped surface using less force compared to lifting them straight up. This incline reduces the effort needed to transport heavy objects.

Why is PPF negatively sloped?

why PPF in economics is negatively sloped