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the compass of math is used in making arcs and circles. with the use of a compass, a person can draw an axact circle where the points on the circle are equidistant from the center.

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Q: What does a maths compass do?
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When was the maths compass invented?

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What you need used in maths?

Paper, pencil, compass, calculator, fingers, a brain, common sense, a good breakfast. o-o... =P

Is gyrosyn compass a combination of magnetic compass and artificial horizon?

No,a Gyrosyn compass is a combination of a Magnetic compass and Direct reading compass.

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Is A level math hard?

Level A maths is the hardest maths you can get. Level B maths is not so hard and level C maths is about the same as primary school maths.

How maths originated where did maths get its name how maths was invented?

The lady who invented maths was called Charlotte Higgleson and she was born in Greece

You say at Maths or on Maths?

In America it is math, in most European countries it is maths

Is maths called maths in Welsh?

Yes, math is called maths in Welsh.

Tool used to draw circles and arcs?

Compass compass compass

What is the plural of compass?

The plural of compass is compasses.