It measures length. It is a stick measured out in thirty-six inches, which is three feet or a yard. It is about a metre long.
No, a metre stick is adequate, but a 12 inch or 30 cm ruler would be handier and possibly perfect.No, a metre stick is adequate, but a 12 inch or 30 cm ruler would be handier and possibly perfect.
1 metre is 100 centimetres or 1000 millimetres.
A tape-measure could be used to measure a classroom. A metre length stick, or even pacing are other means that can be used. It rather depends on how accurate the measurements need to be.
A metre.
A metre stick is expected to measure in metres, as well as centimetres and millimetres.
a metre stick
It is not accurate. It is very much a "rough-and-ready" approximation.
use a metre stick
Yes, a meter stick can be used to measure the length of a pencil in centimeters or millimeters. The pencil's length can be aligned with the meter stick, and the measurement can be read where the pencil ends.
to measure distancea metre is a Greek word for measurement.1 metre also = 100 cm
A metre stick measures linear length. Grams are a unit of weight. They are not compatible.
A metre stick is a ruler that is 1 metre long. (A little bit more than 3 feet.)
You could measure it with either a yard stick or meter stick. If you want to measure the basketball court in metric units, then you would use the meter stick. If you want to measure the basketball court in English units, you would use the yard stick.
It measures length. It is a stick measured out in thirty-six inches, which is three feet or a yard. It is about a metre long.
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A metre stick is 1 metre, 100 centimetres, 1,000 millimetres.