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Negative indication in statistics means below 0. It also means that whatever test you are discussing, a negative in dication could mean the patient has ruled out and doesn't have the disease.

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Q: What does a negative indication mean in medicine?
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What does indication mean in medical terms?

It means that it is a possible sign of something. Like if you have a running nose it could be an indication of a cold. Lower stomach pain could be an indication of appendicitis etc. In pharmacotherapy, indication can also mean the reason to take something, so streptococcal pharyngitis is an indication for penicillin, and hypertension is an indication for hydrochlorothiazide.

Where can one find more information about indication?

Indication is a type of medicine and more information about it can be found at sites like wikipedia, medical sites and drug sites. Indication is a valid reason to use a certain test, medication, procedure or surgery.

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An indication of biology.

Would you add or subtract to negative numbers?

Whatever is required by the context of the question. Whether or not the number is negative gives no indication as to whether to add or subtract.

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Normally an indication of subtraction

Is itching an indication of allergy to vicodin?

Yes... I really wouldnt call it an allergy... Just a reaction to the medicine that most people have while on it!

What does it mean if i took 4 pregnant test and they are all negative?

Most likely the indication would be that you are not pregnant. However, if you are still feeling worried about this, you should go see a physician and have an actual blood pregnancy test administered.

What is a negative mean?

IN statistics yes there is a negative mean. Mean is the average of multiple numbers. Negative is opposite of positive.

What does a negative plus a negative mean?

A negative plus a negative equals a negative.