pound sign or hashtag
Multiply the rate by 100, then express it as a decimal number, followed by the % sign.
+ is used to mean positive. No sign on a number also means the number is positive. Example +5 = 5 .
If you mean the small number, it is a power.
an equation is a number sentence with and = sign
A hashtag is the pound sign that is followed by a word or phrase.
In shorthand, the pound sign (#) generally represents the word "number" or "pound" when used in front of a number. For example, "10# " would be interpreted as "number 10" or "pound 10."
Pound is also known as the number sign (#). When prompted to press pound, just press that.
pound sign or hashtag
it is the number sign
it means nothing
The scientific name for the number sign "#" is octothorpe.
either they're aout to give out they're number or they're cursing
An octothorpe is another name for the number sign, also the pound sign (#).
The pound sign, also known as the number sign, gained the name "pound sign" because it was used as a symbol for the unit of weight (lbs) in the United States. Additionally, in the UK, the term "pound sign" is commonly used to refer to the symbol £, which represents the British pound currency.
The star and pound sign came when MCI started there phone service. AT&T was the only company till then. If it was an MCI call you would hit the star sign. When you were done with the call, you would hit the pound sign.