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Q: What does a pink triangle represent?
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What does the pink triangle represent on ordinance survey maps?

The pink triangle on Ordnance Survey maps symbolizes a church or other place of worship.

When was Pink Triangle Park created?

Pink Triangle Park was created in 2003.

When was Pink Triangle Press created?

Pink Triangle Press was created in 1971-10.

What does the pink bandana represent?

The pink bandana is usually worn to represent support for breast cancer awareness. Occasionally pink bandanas can represent a gang.

What can a triangle represent in a periodic equation?

In a periodic equation a triangle can be used to represent the given change of something.

What was the treatment for the men who wore pink triangles in the concentration camps?

A pink triangle patch seemed to denote that the person was a homosexual male. I say that because homosexual females apparently wore a black patch that was to represent a person who was 'Asocial'.

What is the meaning of the pink ribbons in Young Goodman Brown?

The pink ribbons represent Faith's purity. The colour pink in the ribbons is supposed to represent innocence and gaiety.

What does color pink represent in the Bible?

Pink does not appear in biblical Scripture. As such, it can have no symbolic meaning. It can't represent anything.

Who had to wear the pink triangle badge in Nazi Germany?

Homosexuals had to wear a pink triangle badge (with the base at the top and the point at the bottom) in Nazi Germany.

How does a Pink Triangle symbolizes lesbians?

The pink triangle symbolizes all gay people, men and women, and was created by the Nazis during the holocaust era. It is a variation of the Jewish star, with only one triangle instead of two.In modern times, the pink triangle symbol has been "reclaimed" and is seen as a positive symbol.

What has the author Hal Pink written?

Hal Pink has written: 'The green triangle mystery'

What does a pink love heart represent?

A pink love heart represents love. It can also represent friendship depending on what context it is used in or how it is used.