A point separates the whole numbers from the decimal numbers. The point is called a decimal place, and anything after the decimal place symbolises a fraction of a number.
For example, 1.5 = 1 and a half
The 5 is in the 'tenths' column, which means any number in that column = 1/10 x the number, so in this case, 1/10 x 5 = 0.5 = a half.
If you have a number like 1.25, the 2 is in the 'tenths' column, and the 5 is in the 'hundredths' column.
This shows 1 + 2 tenths (2/10) + 5 hundredths (5/100), which is the same as one and a quarter.
What kind of mathematical phrase? can you please cite some examples?
twice a number
An expression.
an open sentence.
it is a varible
mathematical phrase
Mathematical phrase is a number phrase which does not express a complete thought.
You can define a circle as the locus (set) of all points equidistant from a given point.
difference between sentence and phrase in math
what is the mathematical phrase for the verbal phrase the sum of a number and three
What kind of mathematical phrase? can you please cite some examples?
Expression is the mathematical phrase made up of numbers and operations
Algebraic expressions is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables.
An expression.
An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase that includes numbers, variables, and operational symbols.
twice a number
well a mathematical phrase has different answers then a sentence and a mathimatical phrase does not include sentence and Vice Versa :) Glad i could be a help!!