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It does not have to be positive or negative either one will produce reversal of the voltage applied by a factor

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Q: What does a rapid change of a magnetic field induce?
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What is induced by the rapid alternation of a magnetic field?

you would induce voltage therefore chanfing the magnetic field

What does a changing electric field induce?

A changing electric induces changing electric fields:The law of Electromagnetism is Invariance of the Electromagnetic field. The vector or induction portion is "o = dEv/dr + Del Er + DelxEv = dEv/cdt + Del Er + Del x Evthis is the same law as Faraday's law but it includes the Gradient Del Er0= dBv/dt + Del Er + Del xEv

What is jupiters magnetic field caused by?

Jupiter's magnetic field is caused by the convection of liquid metallic hydrogen in its outer core. This creates electric currents that produce the magnetic field. Jupiter's rapid rotation also plays a role in generating its strong magnetic field.

Why is nitrous oxide used in anaesthetic's?

it induce rapid induction and rapid recovery

The weak magnetic field around mercury suggests what?

The weak magnetic field around Mercury suggests that the planet likely has a liquid outer core. This liquid outer core, combined with the planet's rapid rotation, is thought to generate a magnetic field. However, Mercury's magnetic field is significantly weaker than Earth's due to its smaller size and slower rotation.

Does Jupiter have a magnetic field?

Yes, Jupiter does have a strong magnetic field that is 14 times stronger than Earth's. This magnetic field is generated by the planet's rotating metallic hydrogen core, and it is believed to be one of the reasons for Jupiter's intense radiation belts.

What makes the rapid decay theory more scientifically valid than the dynamo Theory?

The rapid decay theory explains the decrease in the strength of the earth's magnetic field better then the dynamo theory. Although the dynamo theory explains the explains the reversals where the field pointed in the opposite directions better. The rapid decay theory allows for it, but only if there is an event of cataclysmic volcanic and geological activity. The rapid decay theory also explains the magnetic fields on the other planets correctly.

What makes the rapid-decay theory more scientifically valid than the dynamo theory?

The rapid decay theory explains the decrease in the strength of the earth's magnetic field better then the dynamo theory. Although the dynamo theory explains the explains the reversals where the field pointed in the opposite directions better. The rapid decay theory allows for it, but only if there is an event of cataclysmic volcanic and geological activity. The rapid decay theory also explains the magnetic fields on the other planets correctly.

Why does the earth have the strongest magnetic field among the terrestrial worlds?

It is the only one that has both a partially molten metallic core and reasonably rapid rotation.

Why do you expect neutron stars to have a powerful magnetic field?

Neutron stars are expected to have strong magnetic fields because they are formed from the collapsed cores of massive stars, which inherently had strong magnetic fields. As the core collapses, conservation of magnetic flux leads to an intense magnetic field in the neutron star. Additionally, the rapid rotation of neutron stars can amplify their magnetic fields through processes like dynamo action.

What are the basic requirements for a terrestrial world to have a global magnetic field?

For a terrestrial world to have a global magnetic field, it needs to have a fluid and conductive outer core composed of a conductive material like molten iron. The planet must also rotate on its axis to generate a geodynamo effect where the motion of the conductive material creates a magnetic field. Additionally, the planet needs to have a solid inner core to help sustain the magnetic field over long periods.

Ingredients to make a planet magnetic?

A whole buttload of hot metal moving fast in the core of the planet. ****************************************************************** Here's a better answer: - Rapid rotation, and liquid conducting interior- electric charges move about= Strong magnetic field --You are welcome! - Hershey