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Q: What does a relativly humidity of 75 percent mean?
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What does relative humidity of 75 percent mean?

Means Most of the Earth is Mostly Made Up Of That kind of Humidity . Obv.

37 degrees Celsius with 75 percent humidity feels like what Fahrenheit?


How do find the percent of 75 percent?

I assume you mean how to find 75% of something. Divide by 100, multiply by 75

What is 75 percent?

75 percent = 0.75 in decimal or 75/100 or 3/4 in fraction

What does 75 percent mean in fractions?

75% = 3/4

Why 75 percent relative humidity at 89F the same as 75 percent Humidity at 25f?

Relative humidity measures the amount of water vapor present in the air compared to the maximum amount the air can hold at a given temperature. So, 75% relative humidity means the air is holding 75% of the maximum water vapor it can at the specific temperature. The actual amount of water vapor in the air will be different at 89°F and 25°F, but the relative humidity percentage indicates they both have the same degree of moisture saturation in relation to their respective temperature.

What percent is 75 is 120?

do you mean what percentage of 120 is 75...then 62.5

What is the relative humidity of air filled to half its capacity?

Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a given temperature. If air is filled to only half its capacity, the relative humidity would be 50%.

What is 0.75 as a percent?

Assuming you mean percent of 100. It is .00075%

What is the percent 40 of 75 percent?

if you mean 75% of 40: 75% equals 3/4 so 3/4 of 40 is 30; or 30/40

What is the percent of 75 percent?

The percent of 75% is 75%.

What does a relativehumidity of 75 percent mean?

the air is holding 75% moisture relative to the temperature