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Q: What does a scaled score of 394 on the mat mean?
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A 403 on the Millers Analogies Test MAT is a 45.2 percent. This is calculated by the flowing: 375-405 scores are -3, -3/25 - -.12 Standard Deviations, since the MAT has a STD Dev of 25. The cumulative area for a Z score of -.12 is .4522

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How do you calculate the MAT score from the composite score?

composite score*368/800

What does a scaled score of 459 onn the MAT mean?

That is quite a good score. I scored 427 and in the 87th %tile and that is quite good and will get you into almost any grad program. To give you an Idea. the 427 of mine equayes to a 146 IQ on the WAIS scale and that is close to what I actually scored (147). You are about the 90th %tile and that equates to an IQ of approximately the same IQ as I am 146-153. Also an offical score of 455 gets you into Mensa. So your score is good enough for that.

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What does a scaled score of 411 composite score in mat means?

411 means you got 48 official questions correct and possibly more given that 20 of them were experimental. Nonetheless, according to WAIS IQ calculations your IQ is in the 94th Percentile in terms of the general public and you hold an IQ about a 125. SO all in all you did just fine and you are in a comfortable place.

What percentile does a score of 648.5 on mat equate to?

It wouldn't equate to a percentile because the maximum score on this test is 600.

What percentile does a score of 406 on MAT equate to?

Around the 62nd percentile.

How much score need to get to qualify in mat exam?

You need to get the pass mark.