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Generally, an "average" IQ score falls between 90-110. A score of 76 might indicate a need for some sort of educational intervention, i. e., reading remediation, etc.

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Q: What does a score of 76 mean on the slosson intelligence test?
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What test yields both a verbal score and performance score?

Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale

What does it mean if the Z score of a test is equal to 0?

If the Z Score of a test is equal to zero then the raw score of the test is equal to the mean. Z Score = (Raw Score - Mean Score) / Standard Deviation

What does it mean if you score a 123 on a IQ test?

that you are very smart. I have an IQ of 129, and apparently, anyone over 120 "Has very superior intelligence"

Who would have been most enthusiastic about the vaiues of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities?

Psychologists who support the concept of general intelligence (g-factor) would be most enthusiastic about using a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities. They believe that this score reflects an underlying intelligence factor that influences performance on a variety of cognitive tasks.

Indication of IQ score of 135?

The IQ score 134 lies within the range of 120-140 which indicates very superior intelligence. IQ is the test of intelligence level of a human being.

Average intelligence is usually defined as a score from?

80 to 120 on an IQ test.

What does a score of 52 mean on the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices?

A score of 52 means that the test taker scored HIGHER than 52 out of 100 people in the norm test group. This is well in the average range for test takers. Those that score 75+ are considered at the high range for this test (this means the taker scored HIGHER than 75+ out of 100 of the norm test group.) This test is a non-verbal intelligence test. A score of 52 means that the test taker scored HIGHER than 52 out of 100 people in the norm test group. This is well in the average range for test takers. Those that score 75+ are considered at the high range for this test (this means the taker scored HIGHER than 75+ out of 100 of the norm test group.) This test is a non-verbal intelligence test.

Calculate the z-score for a test score of 87 if the mean test score is 81.1 and standrd deviation is 11.06?

z score = (test score - mean score)/SD z score = (87-81.1)/11.06z score = 5.9/11.06z score = .533You can use a z-score chart to calculate the probability from there.