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Q: What does a sex ratio at birth mean?
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What is the ratio between boy or girl in the world?

Sex ratio denotes the ratio of males to females in a population. The primary sex ratio is the ratio at the time of conception, secondary sex ratio is the ratio at time of birth, and tertiary sex ratio is the ratio of adult human beings. According to CIA estimates the current world sex ratio at birth is 107 boys to 100 girls. In 2010 the global sex ratio was 986 females to 1000 males, which got further reduced to 984 females to 1000 males in 2011.

What is secondary sex ratio?

number of males/number of females at birth

What is the formula for sex ratio?

Sex ratio is ratio of males to females in a population.

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The male to female human sex ratio varies, due to demographics, environment, sex deterministic abortion, and imbalance in the male/female sperm viability ratio. The secondary ratio of boys to girls is about 105 to 100, or about 0.525 male. Estimates of the current birth sex ratio is about 0.535 male. The current global sex ratio (population) is about 0.507 male (2010) to 0.508 male (projected 2011).

What is the ratio of men to women in Nicaragua?

Men to women ratio is termed as sex-ratio. The total sex-ratio of Nicaragua in 2004 was 1 male(s)/female. But sex-ratio is also calculated at different ages, so sex-ratio in Nicaragua in age-group is as follows in birth: 1.05 male(s)/femaleunder 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female15-64 years: 0.99 male(s)/female65 years and over: 0.78 male(s)/femaletotal population: 1 male(s)/female (2004 est.)

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If you mean circumcision, It is removing the skin from the tip of the male sex organ, preferably (for him) at birth.

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23 chromosomes for every 1 sex cell??

What is the world population of women?

In humans the secondary sex ratio is commonly assumed to be 105 boys to 100 girls (which sometimes is shortened to "a ratio of 105"). In human societies, however, sex ratios at birth or among infants may be considerably skewed by sex-selective abortion and infanticide. The CIA estimates that the current world wide sex ratio at birth is 107 boys to 100 girls.

What does sex term ld mean?

inter uterine device...a form of birth control

What are the main reasons for lowest sex ratio in India?

The low sex ratio is a problem. It is due to unwanted girl child.

What does it mean when a person tells you to be safe with your girlfriend or boyfriend?

They are probably referring to using protection (condoms, birth controls, dental dams) during sex - oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal sex.

What is the sex ratio in rural tamilnadu?

As per Census 2011, Sex ratio of Kerala is 1084. [1084 females per 1000 males]