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Q: What does a single side of a double-sided coin represent?
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What does a single side of a double-sided coin or disk represent?

Two possibilities that when you flip the coin you would get heads or tails.

Who conducts the toss in volleyball?

The officials conduct the coin toss. One player from each team will represent their team in the coin tossing by choosing which side of the coin they want.

If a coin is flip 9 times and get all H What is the probability of an H on next flip?

The probability of the coin landing "head" side up is 50/50, meaning it could land "head" side up or "tail" side up. The odds of any single coin flip are always the same, no matter what happened on the previous tosses -- provided the coin is not a "double-head" (or "double-tail") "trick" coin

Which side of a coin is classed as the front?

The Front of a coin is the heads side Known as the obverse. The Back of a coin is the tails side "reverse".

What color Does west side represent?

what color do the west side kings represent

When was The Other Side of the Coin created?

The Other Side of the Coin was created in 1999.

What is the technical name for the heads side of a coin?

The technical name for the heads side of a coin in obverse, and the tails side is called reverse The technical name for the heads side of a coin in obverse, and the tails side is called reverse

What side is heads of a coin?

The side with a head on it.

How can development and underdevelopment represent two side of the same coin?

They are definitely two sides of the same coin For example the under development of many of the worlds poorest country's is as a direct result of the interference and in many cases deliberate sabotage of those under developed country's.

What does surfaces tooled mean on a coin?

FROM NGC: refers to either the smoothing of a coin's fields to remove scratches, corrosion and other forms of damage or to the restoration of lost details through use of a graver or knife. When a single side of the coin is affected, the terms OBV TOOLED and REV TOOLED are used.

What is the Queen side of a British coin called?

Any country that has a King or Queen puts the monarch on the front, or the "Obverse" of the coin. The back side of the coin is called the "Reverse".

Why is a coin toss called heads or tails?

One side of a coin usually has a "head" of someone. The other side is the tail.