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Q: What does a single straight line extending from the symbol of an atom represent?
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What does a single straight line (-CH3) extending from an atomic symbol represent?

Single covalent bond.

What does a single straight line (-CH3) extending form an atomic symbol represent?

A single straight line (-CH3) extending from an atomic symbol represents a methyl group attached to the atom. The methyl group consists of a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms.

What is the symbol to represent comments in python?

#LMGTFY The '#' symbol, known as the "hashtag", "number sign", or "pound sign" is the single line comment character.

What is a symbol for an electromagnet?

A common symbol for an electromagnet in circuit diagrams is a coil of wire with a core material, such as iron, placed within the coil. The symbol typically includes a zigzag line to represent the wire coil and a straight line through the center to represent the core material.

What does the number above the symbol represent?

The atomic number.

What is the chemical symbol for leadIV chloride?

"Symbols" represent single atoms. The chemical formulafor lead (IV) chloride is PbCl4.

What is the symbol use to represent unit set in mathemats?

It is a pair of curly brackets enclosing a single element. For example {apple}.

What is the symbol used to represent the word which?

The symbol used to represent the word "which" is typically "?".

What formula represents a single atom?

The formula for a single atom is its elemental symbol, which is a one or two-letter abbreviation representing the element (e.g., H for hydrogen, O for oxygen). Each element has a unique symbol that is used to represent it in chemical formulas and equations.

What is the symbol to represent a joule?

The symbol that is used to represent a joule is the letter "J". This is a derived unit of energy. It can also be used to represent work, and an amount of heat.

What does the Hindu's symbol represent?

The Hindu's symbol represent the unmanifest and manifest aspects of God.

What is the symbol of long division call?

The symbol separating the dividend from the divisor in a long division that is drawn as a right parenthesis (or sometimes a straight vertical bar) with an attached vinculum extending to the right seems to have no established name of its own. It can therefore simply be termed the "long division symbol," or sometimes the division bracket.