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Q: What does a the symbol of a stick figure holding a half circle over his head mean?
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How would you draw a circle on the ground with a radius of 5 meters?

Put a peg in the ground where you want the centre of the circle. Tie a string to the peg - loose enough so tat the string is free to rotate around the peg. Measure 5 metres along the string, from the peg, and at that point tie something that will mark the ground - a stick, for example. Walk around the central peg, holding the stick to the ground and keeping the string taut.

What is the jack of spades holding?

i'm pretty sure it's a joke stick.

How many lines of symmetry does a human stick figure have?

None or one.

Why does the symbol of eternity look like a figure of 8?

The symbol for eternity is derived from the pattern of the sun in the sky. If you plant a stick in the ground, and mark the location of the tip of the shadow cast by the stick every day at exactly noon (or exactly any other time during the day) and you record all of these locations for a year (which is admittedly a lot of trouble to go to, but someone has already done it for you) you will wind up with that shape, which resembles the number 8. Since the sun is pretty much the most eternal thing that we know, we use it as a symbol of eternity. As for the number 8, that is actually not connected to this symbol. The resemblance is entirely coincidental.

How do you draw a circle with a radius of 5 meters?

Drive a peg into the ground. Form a loop at both ends of a thin rope measuring 5 meters. Slip one looped end of the thin rope over the peg. Put a stick in the other loop and stretch the rope taut. Move the stick in a circle, keeping the rope taut, scoring a line on the ground with the end of the stick. Instead of a stick, a piece of chalk, or an aerosol can of paint could be used to mark the ground.

Related questions

What is the stick symbol for zipcar?

The stick symbol for Zipcar is a lowercase "z" enclosed in a circle.

What does the symbol of a stick man holding a semi circle over his head mean?

It means Sheperd , it symbolises God. More specifically used for Jesus

How can you make a good stick figure?

Just write a good x and then put a circle above the middle.

Symbol for a dancer?

One can use a chinese letter as a symbol for a dancer. Usually people use a stick-figure human in typical position to that dance style.

When was Stick Figure Neighbourhood created?

Stick Figure Neighbourhood was created in 1981.

How do you make paper stick people holding hands?

You fold the paper hot dog style then you draw a little stick guy and then you take the scissors of death and cut off the outside figure of the stick man once that is done you little kids need to pick up your leftover trash and turn it all over and after you my friend will have a badass stick people holding hands

What symbol means men?

A few common masculine symbols are: - the sign for Mars - a circle with a short arrow rising above the circumference at 45 degrees from top center. - the sign for the zodiac Taurus - a circle with a half circle above it, attached at the top center. - a stick figure - a small circle for the head, a medium length line descending from the the bottom center with two lines of equal length descending from the bottom of that line in an inverted "V" and a straight line drawn perpendicular to the "body" line just below the head circle.

How do you make a stick figure?

we make a stick figure with toothpicks or matchsticks and lick them together

How do you make your own group on roblox?

To create a group, go on a group, click on the picture with stick figure things holding hands on the right of the page, and your done!

What is the name of the game where you use stick figure guy and kill zombies?

There's a game where you're a stick figure and you dodge sticks?

What is the best stick figure game?

stick rpg2 and stick arena

How old was Michael Jackson when he made the song Stick Figure?

He never made a song called Stick Figure.