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Q: What does a third of a millimeter look like?
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Is there anything smaller then a cm?

yes there is a millimeter. and more look it up

Which is bigger a millimeter or a hectometer?

Oh, dude, a hectometer is way bigger than a millimeter. Like, a millimeter is like tiny, you know, it's just a tiny little speck compared to a hectometer, which is like a hundred meters. So, yeah, hectometer wins the size contest by a long shot.

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It is about a third of a right angle.

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This would look like: 2^3.

Is millimeter like centimeter?

absolutely no because a millimeter is not a centimeter and the vice versa is also not true because 1 centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters and 1 millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeter.

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yes, he entered a elvis look a like contest at a burger joint and came in third in the contest

1 millimeter is 1?

Oh, dude, 1 millimeter is like 0.039 inches. So, if you're ever in a super intense situation where you need to convert millimeters to inches, now you know. But like, let's be real, when are you ever gonna need to do that?

What is a tenth of a millimeter?

A tenth of a millimeter is equal to 0.1 millimeters. It's like trying to split a hair into ten tiny pieces - not that anyone has time for that nonsense. Just remember, it's a teeny tiny measurement that you probably won't even notice unless you're a microscope.