Million. ('thousand thousand')
three thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand hundred and zero
The number 10,000 or the number one thousand ten times.
It means a thousand and so a thousand meters = 1 kilometer
i think it means a thousand
The Posies was created in 1986.
The collective nouns are a host of posies, a bouquet of posies, or a nosegay of posies.
a Fragrant plant is a plant that has a distinctive smell. such as mint or lavender for instance.
When a person says that a flower is Fragrant, it means that it smells good. An example of a Fragrant Flower is the Freesia or Lilac variety of flowers.
Pink Posies was created on 1967-04-26.
A fragrant plant
The superlative form of the word "fragrant" is "most fragrant."
The typical form is "more fragrant."
Success - The Posies album - was created on 1998-02-18.
If you mean the fragrant spice, it is spelt "myrrh".