To go, and study full-time, as in "cloistered," or more commonly to live on campus.
Yes the great circle formula is the same formula for any other circle.
In the technical sense, the word bastard evolved from the Hebrew meaning polluted. In layman's terms, the word typically represents a vulgar term of abuse, designating an illegitimate child.
Roman numerals are a numeral system of ancient Rome based on letters of the alphabet, which are combined to signify the sum of their values.
Average - the central tendency of a data set is a measure of the "middle" or "expected" value of the data set (mean, median, mode) Layman's terms - the average of a math problem is the middle number, usually found by taking the highest number and subtracting the lowest number, or taking the highest and lowest numbers and finding the middle number.
You just treat scientific notation as a math problem. For example, 1.17*10^5 would be 1,17,000 (or in layman's terms, move the decimal point the number of spaces indicated by the exponent). If there's a negative exponent, that means you move the decimal to the left instead of to the right. For example, 1.17*10^-5 would be 0.0000117.
A "layman" is a person who is a non-expert in a given field of knowledge
The idea is that a layman is one who is not an expert in a given area.
Painful swallowing.
The opposite of "laymen's terms" would probably be "technical terms."
punctuality in layman's terms means simply, being on time, being where you are supposed to be when you are told to be there.
How it works in layman's terms.
A layman's description is the expression of technical information in a form that the common person can understand. It means explaining something in nontechnical terms.
Integrity, in layman's terms, means the person is honest, responsible, and trustworthy. In other words, you could trust that person to do the right thing even when you are not watching them. That's integrity.
Einsatzgruppen were, in layman's terms, the death squads of the Waffen SS.
"Executive privilege" is a term used by the United States government. In layman's terms, it refers to the ability of the President to overrule interventions from the other two branches of government.
A meltdown. In layman's terms, it's called "a catastrophe."
Aggravated Misdemeanor