It means suddenly, unexpectedly or without warning. Also can mean in a callous manner.
Abruptly means suddenly with no warning.
2. Abruptly and monthly.
The adverb of abrupt is abruptly.
The phrase is "Audi 5000," referring to the automobile, which experienced "Unintended acceleration." It would accelerate from a standstill with no touching of the gas pedal. Thus, "I'm Audi 5000" means to leave abruptly.
No, the word "abrupt" is not an adverb. It is actually an adjective.The adverb form of the word "abrupt" is abruptly.
Adverb. suddenly; abruptly.
He answered so abruptly, I almost missed it! The horse stopped abruptly.
Abruptly - "The song ended abruptly, without a proper ending."
Sam abruptly stopped swinging
The bus stoped abruptly.
Behaving in a belligerent or hostile manner. Also, acting abruptly or menacingly.
It most likely means to stop seeing someone abruptly.
A sentence with the word abruptly is: An earthquake happened abruptly, and not one person knew what had happened.
He abruptly stopped after he realized that he was not supposed to be doing that.
abruptly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly,
"The tram stopped abruptly after a bus drove in front of it." "Louise abruptly told Mark to stop being so silly." "Tessa abruptly declined Tom's invitation to dinner, because she did not like him."