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Q: What does accuracy result mean?
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Is accuracy better high or low?

Accuracy is better when it is high. High accuracy means that the measurement or result is closer to the true value or target, indicating precision and reliability. Low accuracy can result in errors and incorrect conclusions.

What does accuracy mean in science terms?

Accuracy in science refers to how close a measurement or result is to the true value or accepted value. It quantifies the extent of error present in a measurement or experiment. High accuracy indicates that the measured values are close to the target value, while low accuracy indicates a significant deviation.

An indication of how close a measurement is to the correct result?


How can smoking weed potentially impact the accuracy of a pregnancy test result?

Smoking weed can potentially impact the accuracy of a pregnancy test result by affecting hormone levels in the body, which may lead to a false negative result.

Quality and accuracy are not important to scientists.?

No. Quality and accuracy are incredibly important to scientists. If an experiment is not performed with quality and accuracy it is not valid. However, if accuracy is not especially important, possibly because the result will be the same, then it can be ignored.

Use the approximation of 3.14?

Depends on the accuracy required in the result.

What is the loss of accuracy called?

The loss of accuracy is called diminishing returns, where additional effort or resources put into a task result in progressively smaller improvements in accuracy or performance.

What is meant by accuracy?

Accuracy is the distance away in percent of a result (or a measure) from the target. This mathematical definition is from the book "A Mathematical Foundation For Politics And Law"

Accuracy is a measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations.?


Is accuracy a measurement of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations?


Accuracy is a measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations?


What are the two ways of measuring for accuracy?

Two ways of measuring for accuracy is by using a food scale or by measuring tools. This way, the recipe can result as expected.