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an acute is a closed triangle that lookes cute because its closed tiny triangle



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Q: What does acute mean in this sentence Above all was the sense of hearing acute?
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How do you use acute in a sentence using a synonym?

His acute sense of hearing was quite keen.

What does the word acute mean in this excerpt from The Tell-Tale Heart?

In the context of "The Tell-Tale Heart," the word "acute" is used to describe the speaker's hearing as keen, intense, or sensitive. This heightened sense of hearing ultimately drives the speaker to madness as he becomes obsessed with the old man's heartbeat.

The disease had sharpened your senses not destroyed not dulled them Above all was the sense of hearing acute you heard all things in the heaven and in the earth?

This quote from "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe describes the heightened auditory perception of the protagonist due to their deteriorating mental state, leading them to hear sounds more acutely. It emphasizes the intense focus on the sense of hearing as a result of the disease affecting the character's mind. This heightened sensitivity to sounds contributes to the building suspense and tension in the story.

What sense of the killer is acute in The Tell-Tale Heart?

His hearing

Which Land creature has the most acute sense of hearing?


Do sloths have a good sense of smell?

Their sense of smell is far more acute than their eyesight or hearing.

How do dogs detect danger or locate their prey?

Dogs have a good sense of smell and acute hearing.

Can you give me a sentence with the word acute?

Mazie has an acute sense of injustice; whenever she perceives it, she must speak out.

What is a sentence using the word acute?

Geometry"An acute angle is less than 90 degrees."Keen, Extreme, Severe"Wolves have an acute sense of smell.""He was in acute pain from his broken arm."

What do bats hate?

Being creatures of acute hearing sense, they particularly hate high intensity sounds that are beyond the hearing level of the human ear. Supersonic sound emitters can accomodate this.

What senses do kiwis have?

Kiwi have the same senses that other birds have: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Their sense of smell is particularly acute.

Animal with keen sense of hearing?

The owl is an animal known for its keen sense of hearing. Its ability to locate prey in total darkness is attributed to this acute sense. Owls have specialized feather formations that help direct sound waves towards their ears for better detection.