The term adjustment can be used in various different contexts. In a law context, the word adjustment means to settle or bring a case to a satisfactory point.
The mean, or the average.
Compute to the smallest fraction, reduce to the least number
That's the definition of the "mean" or "average" of that group of terms.
The arithmetic mean.
adjustment angles
The direct result of an action
It means it doesn't apply
A mathematical expression of a natural law.
The meaning of conjure in terms of law is to present something through invocation. It can also be used to mean to swear an oath or join in an oath.
To canvas means to cover an area to completion.
It means that they are able to declare a war AND pass a LAW
Abbreviation for "Currency Adjustment Factor." A charge, expressed as a percentage of a base rate, that is applied to compensate ocean carriers of currency fluctuations
anticipated periods of unusual demand on the individual or family in terms of adjustment to their resources.
It means that Chase reversed an adjustment that they previous debited or credited to your account.
An individual behavior adjustment unit often refers to a prison cell of some kind. These terms are used to speak more politely about the prison systems.