Here is a picture of a typical alternator:
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same as any other
Like a silver No. 10 juice can with a pulley on the front
Well, its black and wraps itself around the smallest pulley on the alternator.
The voltage regulator is on the alternator. It is on the rear, within the alternator case.
It looks like a little red car battery.
it is likely inside the alternator
The alternator acts as the belt tensioner.
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Check your alternator and if that isn't it (but sounds like it) take a look at your starter.
The way the alternator belt raps around pulleys in the automobile differs by vehicle and engine. An alternator belt in an older vehicle usually just went around the fan blade, the water pump, and the alternator. Today's vehicles are more complicated and might require more pulleys.
Look at accessory drive belt alternator is driven by this belt
Like a typical alternator and is located on the left front of the engine block (as you are standing in front of the car). You will see a serpentine belt driving the pulley. If the car has air conditioning, it is below the a/c unit, same side.