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"To be anchored in in Jesus." So yes, to bestable. It usually means to feel stable? But can have other meanings such as a news anchor. Which is a more permenant newsreader.

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16y ago
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9y ago

Anchoring means the act or means by which something is made firm, or the tendency of people to place subsequently refined answers to a question, giving unfair weight to the initial answer given.

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11y ago

the anchor is a vignina with boobs indside it.

it help u find ur destiny within

nut first u must not b a virgin

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What does it mean when the packaged mattress pad says that it is anchored?

An anchored mattress simply means that there are straps that secure it to the boxsprings so there's no slippage.

What is a sentence for anchored?

The ship is anchored at port.We are a sitting duck to submarines while anchored.

What does it mean if a boat is anchored?

A anchored boat is when the boat has sent down a rope with i massive hook (called an anchor) and then the ship has stopped so the boat will not move. :) sorry if you dont understand

Can you use anchored in a sentence?

The boat was anchored to the ocean floor.

Will a ship be able to sail away if it is anchored?

No, not if it is well-anchored.

Is the phrase is anchored past participle or present participle?

The phrase "is anchored" is the present participle form of the verb "anchor." It is used to describe an action that is currently in progress or ongoing.

Can you get a sentence for anchored?

The british began bombarding the small island from a fleet of warships anchored offshore.

What is the part of speech and definition of anchored?

Past tense of the verb "to anchor". "The ship anchored in Tortuga."

The teeth in the lower jaw are directly anchored into which structure?

Teeth sit in the gums and their roots are anchored directly into the bone of the jaw. Lower teeth are called mandibular teeth because they are anchored in the mandible.

Where are ships anchored?


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What do you resolve to do for your continuing professional education anchored on TSNA and IPPD.?

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