"Ascending" means "moving up", in any subject.
Numerical order, least to greatest.
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There are three conditions for a set. 1- The elements should be well-defined. 2- They should not be repeated. 3- They should be in ascending order.
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"Ascending" means "moving up", in any subject.
Numerical order, least to greatest.
ascending relative
Ascending means climbing up, decending is travelling down. So in maths, ascending order means numbers that start at the lowest and get higher.
Ascend = Go up. 1, 2, 3, 4...
To sort from smallest to largest. Ascending means to go up.
Ascending means going up and descending means going down. Ex: The elevator was ascending. The skier was descending the mountain slope.
Ascending order
What does length mean in math
That they appear in alphabetical order... A, B, C. ... and so on.
what does key mean in math