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Atman means a Hindu 'soul'. :) The spiritual life principle of the universe, especially when regarded as inherent in the real self of the individual.

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Q: What does atman mean?
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What do Atman have to do with Hinduism?

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What does the ATMAN look like?

No one knows, because you cannot see the Atman. The Atman is the observer which no one can observe. Therefore, it is impossible to answer your question.

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What is atman?

In Hinduism, atman is the individual soul or essence of a person, believed to be eternal and unchanging. It is the innermost self, distinct from the physical body and mind, and is considered to be part of Brahman, the ultimate reality in the universe. Understanding the atman is essential in achieving spiritual liberation or moksha.

Is Atman a concept of Buddhism?

No. It is Hindu.

The state of enlightenment which is reached when the cycle of samsara is broken?

Atman is actually the soul itself, Moksha is what your looking fot here

What was the atman according to the Hindu religon?

A god

The Hindu word for unchanging soul is?


Is brahman and atman identical?

The Brahman is the original, spirit of the world, it is effectively the creator. The Atman is basically our soul, and it is immortal. The atman is part of the Brahman, that has 'split' from the Brahman, and has been trapped inside our bodies. It is the main focus of Hinduism to release the Atman back into the Brahman, in a process known as Moksha.

In Hindu tradition why do people keep kumkum on their forehead?

kumkum is used to affirm they have a atman (soul) in their bodies and that they are the small atman part of the Paramatman, God.