Autograft: Tissue transplanted from one part of the body to another in the same individual. Also called an autotransplant.
autograft means when a peice of your body is moved to some where else on your body like if u have a burn you have a skin graft that's what a autograft is
Because measurement would have no meaning, unless we agree what we are measuring by. If I say that it takes 14 BGs to fill an autograft- we need to agree what a BG is, and what an autograft is, or it is meaningless. If you say that a yard is about so big, and I say that it is smaller... do you not see the problem here? Standard units are necessary, or we are talking about different things, entirely. If I count to ten, but you skip 9 and go to 11, we are talking about different things. Thus, we have a standard model of math, and a standard model (several to choose from) of measurements. The bottom line answer is this: so we are talking about the same thing.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
Cultured Epithelial Autograft
The difference between an allograft and an autograft is where the human tissue comes from. An autograft is when a patients own tissue is used, and an allograft is when tissue from someone else is used in the surgery.
In 1822 In 1822
Autograft simply means that a tissue is taken from one part of the body and transferred to another part of the body of the same person.
Autotransplantation or Autograft.
means that you have got crabs ..
An autograft is a type of graft that uses skin from another area of the patient's own body if there is enough undamaged skin available, and if the patient is healthy enough to undergo the additional surgery required.