Einstein never failed, this is an example of conventional wisdom going awry.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
The wind blew the shades awry.
To be awry is to be crooked. An example sentence would be: She asked them to please not hang her picture awry.
ahe plans that i have made for joining wipro are going awry.
Not all love stories go awry. My intention to surprise my boyfriend went awry when he thought I was mad at him. Keeping my vow to study harder went awry when my favorite movie came on TV.
The plan went awry when unexpected obstacles disrupted our progress.
Personally i feel disappointed when my plans go awry.
"Her plan went awry." "'The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." transliterated from the Robby Burns poem, "To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough" circa 1785.
Bob was awry in his seat to talk to his fellow classmate, Meg.
Awry - 2011 was released on: USA: 2 July 2011 (video premiere)
I do not believe there is such a word in the English language. You may be thinking of awry, which means turned or twisted toward one side
Will Smith