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Q: What does b stand for in a standard equation of a ellipse?
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In the standard equation for an ellipse b is half the length of the what axis?

In the standard equation for an ellipse, b is half the length of the _____ axis.Answer:

In the standard equation for an ellipse b is half the length of the axis?


In the standard equation for an ellipse a is half the length of the axis?

An ellipse is the set of each and every point in a place such that the sum of the distance from the foci is constant, Major Axis of the ellipse is the part from side to side the center of ellipse to the larger axis, or the length of that sector. The major diameter is the largest diameter of an ellipse. Below equation is the standard ellipse equation: X2/a + Y2/b = 1, (a > b > 0)

How is the equation of an ellipses like the equation of the circle?

An ellipse is described as [ (x/A)2 + (y/B)2 = C2 ] If [ A=B ] then the ellipse is a circle.

In the standard equation for a line what does the variable B stand for?

If you mean the straight line equation of: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept

How can you tell if the graph of an equation in the form ax2 plus by2 equals c is a circle or an ellipse?

If a = b then it is a circle; otherwise it is an ellipse.

What is the equation for an ellipse with center at the origin ,one focus at (1,1) and the length of semi major axise is 4.?

This equation is equal to the first one because it produces the same results, always. ... TL;DR - The circle equation is what you get when you multiply all terms from the ellipse equation by the radius. x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 is an ellipse equation. Well, a circle has a radius where a and b are the same.

What equation represents an ellipse?

x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1, is the equation of an ellipse with semi-major axes a and b (that's the equivalent of the radius, along the two different axes), centered in the origin.

In the linear equation ymx b what does the b stand for?

In the equation Y=mx+b, which is what I believe you mean, 'b' is the y intercept of the graph. In other words, if the equation is plotted in standard Cartesian coordinates, the straight line crosses the y-axis at the height b above the x axis.

What is the formula of finding the area of an ellipse?

You know the formula for the area of a circle of radius R. It is Pi*R2. But what about the formula for the area of an ellipse of semi-major axis of length A and semi-minor axis of length B? (These semi-major axes are half the lengths of, respectively, the largest and smallest diameters of the ellipse--- see Figure 1.) For example, the following is a standard equation for such an ellipse centered at the origin: (x2/A2) + (y2/B2) = 1. The area of such an ellipse is Area = Pi * A * B , a very natural generalization of the formula for a circle!

What is the equation for the ellipse if the ellipse is centered at the origin and the length of its horizontal axis is 4 and lengeth of the vertical axis is 8?

Ellipse formula, centered at the origin, where the vertical axis is the major axis: x2/b2 + y2/a2 = 1, a > b Since the major axis is 8, then a = 4. Since the minor axis is 4, then b = 2. Thus, the equation of the ellipse is: x2/4 + y2/16 = 1.

What is the value of moment of inertia of ellipse about x-Axis?

The moment of inertia of an ellipse about its major axis (x-axis) is given by the equation I = πab^3/4, where a is the length of the semi-major axis and b is the length of the semi-minor axis of the ellipse.