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Backordered: This means that the company would normally have that item but it is not in stock (they don't have it on the shelf so they can't send it to you) but they have organized that the manufactorer will deliver certain amounts of that item to them on a regular basis, so when the next shipment arrives then the company will fill your order and send it to you.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

To backorder is to back an order like we had to back your order until the new fabric comes in

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What is a backorder?

Where the company you orderd it from has to order it from someone else to sell it to you!!! have fun with your backorder!!!!

What does it mean when a video game is on backorder?

When a video game is on backorder it means that the store you're trying to purchase the game from is out of stock and you will be put on priority when they get more in stock. In technical terms it means a business order that has yet to be fulfilled because it is unavailable.

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No its on a backorder for the moment. The brand is available

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When a product says "backorder ships Aug 15," it means that the item is currently out of stock, but the next available shipment is expected to be sent out on August 15th. This indicates that customers can place orders for the product, but it won't be shipped until the specified date.

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How long does an order on backorder take?

You give it to the counter and say I want a refund

I ordered a game yesterday mercenaires playground of Des PS2 It said that they had them in stock ONLINE I purchased the game and i get the confirm email today but the site is out of stock as of today?

They can put your game on backorder and you have to decide if you want to wait or cancel it. You could have also purchased the last game

How do you open the hood when the hood release is broken?

mine has been broke for a while,its on backorder at several auto shops...we ran the cable back thru the front end so it hangs below my bumper a little,put a bolt on it and you just pull it a little and it pops up.

How much is a ps3 in 2010?

In the USA the retail price is 299.99 for the 120GB slim PS3 and 349.99 for the 250GB slim. The problem is that many have been sold out as of March 25 2010 and are on backorder and some sellers are charging more.

When will Sony ship ps3 120gb to retailers?

The PS3 slim has been available since September 2009 and the demand has been high enough for it to continuously go on backorder for the PS3 120 GB and even worse for the PS3 250 GB model. Many retailers are using the PS3 250 GB models for bundle sales and it is becoming more difficult to purchase them for the USA retail price of $349.99 rather than in a bundle with games and accessories. Amazon is taking pre orders for shipment next week. Gamestop is only selling bundles of both consoles. Sony Style. com is not letting you order the 250 GB model and placing the PS3 slim 120 GB model on Backorder. Walmart is out of stock of both PS3 slim Consoles.