the repeating term of a decimal
Model of the World depending on circumstances.
A horizontal line, placed above a symbol.Also (in physics), a bar is a unit of pressure. 1 bar = 100,000 pascal.
bar model
A rational model, perhaps.
the repeating term of a decimal
Model of the World depending on circumstances.
bar modeling is math
A horizontal line, placed above a symbol.Also (in physics), a bar is a unit of pressure. 1 bar = 100,000 pascal.
bar model
If it is talking about a graph, the Y bar is the line going up on the left, known as the y axis. if its talking about quadrant coordinates, the Y bar is the vertical center line.
show the work to something or a problem to something ; math problem or scientific method :)
Model the math numbers hahaha.
When comparing two things in the graph, you use double bars per interval.
tittle on graph is a label for the graph tittle on a table lables the table depends which tittle u mean