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Q: What does belonging to two or more numbers mean in math?
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Where did the word 'MEAN' in math come from?

It is defined as the average of a group of numbers. See the related link for more information.The mean in math is the average of a group of certain numbers.

What is composite for math mean?

Composite numbers have three or more factors.

What does more mean in a math equation?

The Average. Add up all the numbers and divide by how many numbers there are :)

What is sum mean in math?

When you add two or more numbers together, the answer you get is called the sum.

What does the word variable mean in math?

A variable is a (letter) symbol that represents one or more numbers

What does the word variable in math terms mean?

A symbol, usually a letter, that is used to represent 1 or more numbers

What is the term used to mean belonging to two or more numbers?

One word would be "common" as in "greatest common factor" or "least common multiple".

What is produst in math?

The produst?? I am sure you must mean product.It is the result obtained by multiplying two or more numbers together.

How do you spell smokers?

Just as you have spelt it, if you mean "more than one smoker". If you mean "belonging to a smoker", it's "smoker's". If you mean "belonging to more than one smoker" it's "smokers'".

How is math use in your daily lives?

how you use math its easy when your older for car payments bills and more and when your a teen and you get a job at a store you need to know numbers numbers are math

What do you use numbers for?

for math and cooking and a bunch more things

What is a gap in math terms?

The distance between two or more numbers